Saturday, April 18, 2009

End of Winter Semester!

This semester has been one of the best! i loved loved loved loved loved my roommates! I was so glad that i stayed in Riviera so that i could meet and know these girls- Kariann, Lexi, Laura and Kenzie! we ended the semester off with a bang, complete with finals, cleaning, packing, picture taking and a midnight trip to Dennys! Most of us extended the goodbyes because we all went down to Utah for the break, but then again most of Rexburg went down to Utah for the break! It was so fun to hang out on campus with nothing to do, while everyone else ran around stressed out with school work! and now i am home, and glad to be here with my family, but missing you girls tons! All i can say is i loved this semester and i love you! thanks for making it a great semester number 8!

I also must have spent the semester doing enough homework and studying because I pulled through with A's! (and one A- but that one should have been an A too, but i won't get into that)! Whew, that's a load off of my mind! Another semester accomplished- 8 down, 1 to go! ....and then 3 more years after that! woot!


Megan said...

I'm so glad you had a good semester!! And you're all done with A'S! THAT'S AWESOME!! :) Good job! So now it's summer and finding a job.... yuck. You'll do great though. HAVE FUN! :)

Laura McKeen said...

JESIKA LEE OLSEN We love you. All of us here (well most of us if ya know what I mean) miss you tons. I wish you were here with us. I miss you a lot lot lot lot lot lot. Have fun at home, but know that I miss you.

Kariann Nielson said...

You, you are GREAT! I had a wonderful semester as well! Good luck with finding a job but most of all have a FaNTAstIc summer! I can't wait to see you again this summer and party with you in the Fall!

The Tibbitts said...

I am so glad you had such a good semester with great roommates--you deserve it! And Congratulations on all A's that is a great accomplishment. I can't wait until you are back up here in the Fall, because you will die when you see how much Luke has changed (Not to mention I want to see you again too).